
11 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Getting Married

Here are some great nuggets of advice I wish I’d known years ago…


Ok, I admit it. I’m divorced. As I looked back at what went wrong in my marriage, I realized several things that I should’ve thought about before getting married. As they say, hindsight is 20/20. Lucky for you, I’ll share what I learned so you can profit from my mistakes…

11 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Getting Married

Marriage is considered a major life event (for most, but not all, apparently), primarily because deciding to get hitched is meant to be for a lifetime, and because it’s associated with intense planning. Since a wedding requires so much forethought, it’s easy to assume that brides and grooms have given as much thought (if not much more!) to preparing themselves for their lifetime commitment. Amazingly, this is not always true.

Unfortunately, the current divorce rate is holding steady at fifty percent, thanks to this lack of personal preparation.

Then again, life is a glorious series of events, some larger and more important than others, and it’s normal to look back on those events and wonder, “If I could do it all again, what would I do differently?” So if you’re already married, don’t worry — these tips can still be put into action. The most important thing is not to let any more days go by without doing what you can to ensure that your relationship will last.

Take time to consider the importance of the following — before it’s too late:

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Born and raised in Texas, Shelly is currently studying to receive her Master's Degree in Publishing at the University of Houston - Victoria.  Shelly is a writer for Urbanette Magazine, and loves "everything it is and all that it offers our readers, and to me personally". She is passionate about life, family, friends, her maltipoo, Truman. She is a lover of all things culinary and the arts (13 year veteran of ballet).

Reader Discussion: 172 Comments

  1. Sarah Kime

    I don’t understand how some of Y’all are getting married after only a year of dating, that’s not long enough to know that person completely. I need like 6-7years of serious commitment before I’d get on a knee.

  2. Bonita Paladino

    This article is very helpful. A friend of mine is getting a divorce, this might save their relationship.

  3. Erika Gillette

    I am currently getting an advice because I think that I and my partner should get a divorce because we are both with our new lovers. We have a kid, and my daughter is still not aware that we are breaking up.

    • Tammy Harrell

      too bad, the kid will really get hurt. Just be considerate of the kid’s feelings.

  4. Jessie Valencia

    The language of love? for men? No, they don’t know how to speak that.

  5. Christy Book

    No regrets. Maybe you are not meant for each other that’s why your marriage is a failure. Always think on the brighter side. ?

  6. Christine Stephens

    I am lucky to have a good listener partner. Whenever we argue, he will just listen. After scolding him, he will just kiss me tight and whisper in my ears how much he loves me. It’s the best feeling, knowing that he just listen, but he never understands what I said. LOL HAHAHA ?

    • Jody Williams

      WTH. This made my day, but it is true. Men are most likely like that.

  7. Victoria Carson

    Haha! OMG, I remember when my mother-in-law freaked out because my husband told her that we are getting married. Yes, I worked hard for her approval. ?

  8. Kelly Dziedzic

    Honestly speaking, sex is very important. Some women think that men just want sex because it’s satisfying, but men want it because they feel the love while having sex.

  9. Raquel Kepner

    The marriage fails because you did not work for it. If you do love your partner, you will do your best work for it.

    • Patty Aguilar

      What if his/her partner was the one who wants to break the marriage? Is it still on the other one’s fault for night fighting for it?

  10. Angela Linville

    I’m starting to love this magazine. At first, it’s just a past time when I have a free time. But now, I find myself looking for new articles because everything here is informative.

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