Chemical Detox Tips: 10 Toxic Products in Your Home
These common products are poisoning you. Here are easy, healthy alternatives.
Recent tests have shown that roughly half of the tap water across America is contaminated with lead. But it doesn’t have to have lead in it to still be bad for you. The government adds several harmful chemicals to tap water to sterilize it …and simply because the politicians are in the pockets of the chemical industry. Take fluoride, for example. It’s been proven to have no effect on teeth or gum health, and despite the fact that it causes brain damage and isn’t added to the water in Europe, it’s still in the water in America. Here’s more about all the nasty ways that fluoride messes with your health. #corruption
Think you’re safer with bottled water? Consumers of bottled water unknowingly continue to purchase water by the case to avoid common contaminants in drinking water. The problem is that the contaminants in their tap are the same contaminants found in bottled water, PLUS added chemicals that seep out of the plastic (whether it gets warm or not). Most bottled water is tap water, it’s just bottled! Let’s not even get started on the amount of waste that is generated from the packaging.
Chemical Detox Tip:
Get a water filter that has had third-party testing and doesn’t use plastic. The best above-counter one we could find was the Berkey System (make sure to buy the fluoride filters with it). Reusable stainless steel or glass bottles are also a great idea.
Edith Glover
*sigh* I’m guilty of having a good basketful of these toxic products you said we all should AVOID!
Angie Becker
Interesting article! Sadly, our sheets, pillows, mattresses and blankets are full of chemicals and flame retardants that can interfere with our health.
Muriel Vargas
Baking soda has “magic.” It cleans, deodorizes, and scours.
Amy Watson
Chemical detox of home takes time and patience. Thanks for the tips!
Dianne Copeland
I inhale and exhale toxic chemicals even in my own home 🙁
Shawna Henry
Oh no! I’m surrounded by awful synthetic chemicals everyday!!!! BAD!
Melba Harrington
Such an eye opener! I did not realize how much I’m surrounded by toxins on a daily basis!
Sheri Chapman
Thanks for this informative article.
Brandy Warner
Simple ways like keeping my bathroom fan on for 15 minutes after showering help.
Lillian Arnold
Nice one! This reduces condensation, limiting the risk of mold growth.
Margaret Palmer
If I have new furniture, I let them “off-gas” for one week in the garage before bringing it into the house. Can you imagine that even “carpets” can have VOCs?