New York City

Unique NYC Date Ideas Meant To Impress

A few date ideas you haven’t already thought of.


Unique NYC Date Ideas Meant To ImpressSince New York City is one of the busiest and most exciting cities in the world, just riding the subway together could count as an eventful first date. But that’s exactly the problem with the Big Apple: Finding a date spot is too easy. Sure, the Statue of Liberty will always take your breath away, and Central Park never disappoints, but can’t a gal enjoy a nice evening without being surrounded by thousands of sweaty, mouth-breathing tourists?

New York also just so happens to be one of the creative capitals of the world, drawing in artists and dreamers from all over. Don’t let those chain-smoking, skinny jeans-sporting, oversized lens-wearing hipster show you up. There’s a whole world outside of Times Square! Read on for a few of our favorite date night spots:

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Sarah enlightens us on a daily basis with the newest trends as (and often before) they transpire. She is the consummate globe trotter. Having traveled to over 70 countries, she earns her living writing, blogging ( and modeling while on the road. In her spare time she gets manicures, suntans on yachts in Greece, shops for even more shoes, and lives in the limelight. She loves photography, elephants, sailboats, bangles and ballet flats.

Reader Discussion: 35 Comments

  1. Alice Tan

    I still enjoy and prefer walking at central. I know it’s cliche but I enjoy it.

  2. Carrie Bleau

    The Sex museum catches my attention. I hope you indicate the exact location of the museum so we can know where to find this amazing place.

  3. Marina Josef

    At last! A place where we can have a fancy and romantic date. I’m getting bored dating around time square. It’s time to level up our dating style.

  4. Marina Bozek

    I’m going to buy tickets to the broadway now! Yay! I really want to watch a broadway musical with my love, but apparently, I’m single.

  5. Jesse Wyss

    I love the time square and central park, but let’s give chance to the tourist. I love your tips, I will go there if I have some spare time. I hope you include the address of these places.

  6. Thanks, Urbanette! We’re planning to have a date this weekend and I want to go somewhere more exciting. More power to you, guys!

  7. Alena Martin

    I hope I find someone who would bring me here! I love these places.

  8. Selli Coaze

    Is the sex museum that you are indicating in this article is the one that I read here? The one that is located in Miami?

  9. Hena Taylor

    I’m single, but I will def visit these places if I have a date. That is a must! Especially the sex museum lol.

  10. Jessi Agusta

    I would love to try the dance class, but I think my partner is not into dancing.

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