
5 Signs He’s Lying To You

How to know what you’re really getting from him.


After being lied to by countless feckless boyfriends, I decided to get smarter. I was sick of learning about their dishonesty way after the fact. In a relationship, it’s unfortunately quite normal for our partners to lie here and there. That doesn’t mean you should just sit back and take it!

5 Signs He’s Lying To You

Though they may sound convincing, their bodies can give us clues as to whether they’re being truthful. Here’s how the subtle aspects of their body language reveal clues for us to get a clearer picture of what the truth is:

He Keeps on Moving

When people are lying, they usually touch their ears, chin, or some other parts of their bodies. They will fidget restlessly and might have their hands clasped behind their backs or make slight swaying movements, as if they are ready to bolt. These are unconscious gestures that are not caused by some outward precedent — more likely, these actions are a manifestation of an internal battle on how to get out of the “interrogation.”

He Looks Like He’s in a Sauna

If your partner was just caught lying then they he will likely start to break into sweat. Sometimes guilty liars turn red when confronted. Look for small beads of perspiration on their forehead or neck. Also, try to observe their emotional responses, either through facial expression or the eyes. Usually, a liar’s expression won’t match the expected emotion linked with the dishonest words coming out of his mouth.

5 Signs He’s Lying To You

Don’t Break Eye Contact

When you think that your partner is lying to you, then this is the perfect time to maintain eye contact while he’s talking. A guilty person will either awkwardly avert his eyes when you stare straight into them, or will be so conscious of trying to convince you that they won’t break eye contact at all. Either way, it’ll seem slightly unnatural. This is a clear indication that your partner is not telling you everything.

Catch the Defensive Stance

Liars can’t seem to stay in one place for a few seconds. They start puttering around, leafing through pages from magazines or books, without really paying attention to the content. This simply means that they are thinking very hard about what to do or say next in case their alibi doesn’t work.

5 Signs He’s Lying To You

Keep Your Voice Down

Liars usually start to become defensive when asked certain questions that they don’t plan to answer truthfully. Often, the volume goes up and the tone become sarcastic, or he tries to sound offended, as he tries to evade the questions you keep on pressing on him. There are also times when your partner will “act” angry just to show that you have just insulted him by calling him a liar. If this does happen, try to look at his nose and see if it flares up or not. If it flares up then they really are angry, and if it doesn’t, then it’s likely he is just putting on an act.

If you know your partner well, then all your need is to observe if there is something different about the way they talk, move or act. These body language clues will tell you if there is something off. That said, remember that that honesty and trust are the basic foundations of a healthy romantic relationship and so you and your partner must be clear on these expectations from the start. Listen to your gut. If you sense that your partner is acting weird and that something is amiss; don’t just dismiss it as nothing. Communicate with your concerns with your partner — and if in the process you find that things are not going they way you want in your relationship, then perhaps it’s best to split up. You owe it yourself to be happy, with or without him.

Sarah enlightens us on a daily basis with the newest trends as (and often before) they transpire. She is the consummate globe trotter. Having traveled to over 70 countries, she earns her living writing, blogging ( and modeling while on the road. In her spare time she gets manicures, suntans on yachts in Greece, shops for even more shoes, and lives in the limelight. She loves photography, elephants, sailboats, bangles and ballet flats.

Reader Discussion: 484 Comments

  1. People who lie to their partners don’t deserve 2nd chances. Why? Because they will do it again.

  2. It’s still best to analyze changes in a person’s behavior since he/she’s the person you’re in a relationship with. It’s not good to just jump into conclusions.

  3. Crystal Pfister

    Relationships are built in trust. If you don’t trust your partner enough with facts, how are you supposed to trust him with everything else?

  4. Patti Todd

    Learning to decode body language is always good. Not that it’s always accurate too, because I have this habit of crossing my arms and it doesn’t always mean I’m disinterested. Anyway, it’s really important because they’re people’s way of expressing themselves without being too conscious about it. Even the slightest furrowing of someone’s brows says a lot of things, or a movement in their lips that shows how tense they are when they’re trying to cover up their tracks.

  5. I had a girlfriend who would always do something with her hair whenever she’s lying. Would even roll her eyes a lot just for the sake of covering up the lack of eye contact.

  6. Jennifer Wells

    Girls need to learn how to catch liars by intimidating them. Men think they can lie to us just because we’re perceived to be weak. If you look into it though, girls who have a very strong personality (which is intimidating more than half of the time) rarely get lied to. Because men hate the feeling of defeat and would rather just walk out of the conversation or admit they’re lying instead of admitting defeat. Ask men sarcastic questions and make them feel like you know it all so they can’t deny it.

  7. Lying is so common for people and we always think it’s because we’re trying to protect the person we love. That’s not how it works.

  8. I met a guy like this and he won’t even admit that he really is lying. You’ve caught him dead on his tracks already and would still turn the tables and start blaming me for random stuff. Men like them are f**** psychopaths. Ladies, please avoid men who make you feel like it’s your fault instead of theirs! Real men will own up to their faults and apologize, but men who don’t have the balls to say it to your face are cowards and you don’t deserve anyone like them.

  9. It’s in our nature to lie and hide things and not tell the truth, but most of the time other people just go overboard with what they do.

  10. MERI

    Women can be very paranoid sometimes so watch out for that because it clouds your judgment.☹️

    • Carolyn Payne

      If you think that the person who seems to be lying to you is making you feel like your thoughts and feelings are invalid, there’s something wrong with him and not you.

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